Post by Galdrohk on Nov 16, 2006 20:32:59 GMT -5
Galdrohk looked to the tavern. "So, what will we do once we're inside?" he asked. "I don't fit in here as much as I would like."
Post by Trinn on Nov 16, 2006 20:59:13 GMT -5
Elaine frowned. "This is true. Your hair covers your ears for the most part, but we can't be sure it will cover them all the time. And I doubt my cloak will fit you, if I gave it to you for the hood." She thought for a moment longer. "We'll just have to go in as we are. Just be discreet. Once we're inside, I'll simply arrest the man. There shouldn't be any trouble. If he tries to fight, well, that's his bad luck." Glancing left and right, she walked into the inn. It was warm, a pleasent fire crakling in a large fireplace. Numerous tables filled the large common room, all of them in various conditions. The inn keeper stood behind the bar, polishing the wood with a clean rag. Elaine quickly foudn the fellow in the crowd, and began to make her way towards him.
Post by Galdrohk on Nov 16, 2006 21:34:09 GMT -5
Galdrohk nodded and followed her in top the inn. He saw what he thought was the man described to him and sure enough Elaine was heading towards him, he deicded though that he would stay towards the door keeping watch to make sure he didn't escape.
Post by Trinn on Nov 16, 2006 21:39:01 GMT -5
Confident, Elaine reached the man and tapped him on the shoulder. His greasy hair flew around his face in strings as his head whipped towards her. "Your under arrest by order of the King of Surda. Please come quietly." Out of nowhere, the man punched her in the stomach, causing her to double over in pain, her eyes watering. The man began to flee, and she tried to grab his long coat, but it slipped through her fingers. The man had no idea that Galdrohk was with her as he rushed to the door. The people in the tavern screamed and tried to get away from the running man. In the back of her mind, she heard Eridor roar.
Post by Galdrohk on Nov 16, 2006 22:22:57 GMT -5
Galdrohk gasped as the man hit Elaine, he wasn't as surprised as he should have been and that was probably the only reason he reacted quick enough to tackle the man as he ran towards the door. He bound him magically and held a sword up to his throat. "I have him here!" he said.
Post by Trinn on Nov 17, 2006 19:58:46 GMT -5
Gasping for breath, Elaine limped through the throng of panicked poeople to Galdrohk. She surveyed the trapped man with cold eyes. "Thank you, Galdrohk. As for you, you are coming with us to the castle." Giving a brief smile to Galdrohk, she shoved the tavern door open and stumbled outside, into the fresh, crips air. Her face was set in a frown as she pondered the damage the man might have done to her stomach. Hopefully, nothing more than a bruise, she thought ruefully.
Post by Galdrohk on Nov 17, 2006 20:11:55 GMT -5
Galdrohk looked hesitantly for a moment at the man then unbound his legs forcing him to stand. "You heard the lady, to the castle."
Post by Trinn on Nov 17, 2006 20:24:50 GMT -5
As they walked to the castle, down the bustling street, people gave them odd glances, curious about the bound man. For the most part, though, they kept to themselves, not wanting to somehow become entangled in it. Getting to the castle turned out to be somewhat difficult, as the man fought with all his strength against Galdrohk. It didn't have much affect though, since he was trying to get away from an elf. Once they reached the front gate of the castle, Elaine heard a familiar rustle and was not surprised to see Eridor plummet from the sky and land in a spray of dirt directly in front of him. Opening his maw, he relased an ear splitting roar. Elaine smugly turned to the captive while throwing back her hood, revealing her face. Sudden recognition entered the grimy man's face. He stared in awe and growing horror. "I see you remember me. This is Eridor, he came from the egg you tried to steal," she jabbed a finger at him, "now we must know why." She turned on her heel and limped into the castle, Eridor following and keeping a wary eye on the prisoner.
William watched with satisfaction Galdrohk, Elaine, and Eridor arrive with the man. His satisfaction dwindled when he saw Elaine walking with a slight limp. He rushed over to her. "Are you allright?" Elaine gave him a curt nod, "just a punch to the stomach." With a frown, William turned to the man. "Thank you, Galdrohk, I can take him from here."
Post by Galdrohk on Nov 17, 2006 20:45:35 GMT -5
"You're welcome he said. Shooting a glance at the man he nodded. The prisoner walked to William defiant but dejected at the same time.
Post by Trinn on Nov 17, 2006 20:52:05 GMT -5
William grabbed the man ruffly and hauled him down the hall. Elaine sighed. "Well, that wasn't too hard. He put up more of a fight than I thought, but we got him. That's all that matters. One less criminal on the street." Eridor nodded his head in agreement.
Post by Galdrohk on Nov 17, 2006 21:13:01 GMT -5
"One less to make room for another." Gadlrohk said. "The cruel truth that is."
Post by Trinn on Nov 17, 2006 21:21:05 GMT -5
Elaine nodded her head, "that's painfully true." She clenched her fist, "I just wish the biggest criminal was gone, that is, Galbatorix." Eridor's tail swished once at the name.
Post by Galdrohk on Nov 19, 2006 15:30:00 GMT -5
"Then perhaps we could have less criminals. Of course there would always be a few, but Galbatorix just creates this conflict among his people." Galdrohk said.
Post by Trinn on Nov 19, 2006 20:26:38 GMT -5
Running a hand down Eridor's scaled neck, Elaine fell silent, thinking about Galbatorix and his evil. She fevently hoped that Eragon would come back from his quest unscathed, so he would be the one to take on Galbatorix, not her. She would though, if she had to. "So, you don't seemed intimidated by Eridor, have you seen a dragon before?" Perhaps he saw Eragon's dragon, Saphira.
Post by Galdrohk on Nov 21, 2006 22:30:53 GMT -5
"I have seen Saphira when Eragon had visited Ellesmera." he said thoughtfully. "I know them to mean no harm."